{"V1":"1"} {"V1":"We retrieved PATHNET data, a prior reconstruction of the"} {"V1":"H. salinarum metabolic network based on Kyoto Encyclopedia"} {"V1":"of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) defined pathways,58 from the"} {"V1":"Halolex database. We used this as the starting point for"} {"V1":"further reconstruction using literature review and bioinfor-"} {"V1":"matic means. The evidences used for the inclusion of reactions/"} {"V1":"enzymes to the network include enzymatic assays, labeling"} {"V1":"studies, and nutrient uptake reports (for transporters)."} {"V1":"Reactions described by such references were included with or"} {"V1":"without genetic evidence. Similarly, pathway gaps and reac-"} {"V1":"tions devoid of literature or genetic indicators but required by"} {"V1":"the network to produce a compound essential for growth"} {"V1":"were also added. In cases where detailed information on"} {"V1":"H. salinarum R-1 were unavailable, data from various strains"} {"V1":" of Halobacterium salinarum were used. Likewise, reaction"} {"V1":"reversibilities were also taken from literature sources whenever"} {"V1":"available. Particularly helpful in this regard was the BRENDA"} {"V1":"database,59 which, among other things, stores reversibility"} {"V1":"information from various organisms. "}